Saturday, October 18, 2008

...And So it Begins

Teh! Yari Na! Amo na ni ang Website ka SNEEZE Magazine. This is SNEEZE on the web. If SNEEZE Magazine is'nt enough for you, well, this site is the answer. Well, not really "THE" answer. I mean, there's also cross-stitching, or basket-weaving, or mold collection, or many other wonderful things. In fact, there's nothing even "wonderful" about SNEEZE. Is there? But then at least, we dont waste our printer ink of interviews of beautiful morons who teach us the right sexual positions, or maybe their idiotic shallow understanding of Life in general. We dont waste our printer ink on socialites who do nothing but make pa-cute in social events. We dont waste our printer ink on writers who were just given the position of "writer" just because they have the family name of blue blooded Pinoy families. This is SNEEZE. Where Sports is considered an activity for morons, where disco is for assholes, where spoiled rich brats are fucking irritating pests of the Earth, and where the losers, strangers, weirdos, spooks come home to to destroy the world that conformists have created. (Yes, yuta mo man eh) Spread the disease... SNEEZE it!

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