The first full trailer for the animated series Marvel’s Avengers Assemble has been released online. The show, which has been designed to capitalize on the success of Joss Whedon's successful film adaptation of the Avengers, features Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and “the new guy” Falcon. The series will feature the titular Avengers assembling in order to defeat the world’s most dangerous supervillains. In the one-hour premiere episode, they will face off with the Red Skull. Hit the jump to watch the trailer...
The series will be a replacement and a possible continuation for The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes. It will air alongside Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. and Ultimate Spider-Man. Joe Casey, Joe Kelly, Duncan Rouleau and Steven T. Seagle, a group known as Man of Action, have been confirmed to be the executive producers of the series. The series features the voices of Adrian Pasdar, Fred Tatasciore, Roger Craig Smith, Travis Willingham, Troy Baker, Bumper Robinson, and Laura Bailey.
Jeph Loeb, Head of Marvel Television and a producer on the series, stated that the series is intended to closely echo the tone and feel of the 2012 The Avengers film. The series will feature a combination of 2D and CGI animation. Avengers Assemble is believed to be viewed as a continuation of The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, though other sources say that has yet to be confirmed.
Marvel’s Avengers Assemble premieres on Disney XD on July 7th, with a one-hour preview episode airing May 26th. We all know where to look for it (on other sources. wink wink!)